Routines help when motivation runs out.

Motivation often helps to get things started, but if you’re relying solely on motivation to complete tasks, you could be waiting a long time. No one is motivated all the time, and it is not always present. In such cases, routines help you keep initiating and completing tasks. Routines also bring stability and balance to everyday life.

Continue reading “Routines help when motivation runs out.”

How Cycling Can Improve Your Running Performance.

Collaboration with Bikemap.

Combining different forms of exercise can be beneficial in terms of improving running performance. Running and cycling are different activities with their own characteristics. One of the biggest differences between cycling and running is the impact force. Cycling doesn’t have the regular pounding of the legs, but incorporating cycling into your training can still improve your running performance and bring many benefits to your training.

Continue reading “How Cycling Can Improve Your Running Performance.”

Targeted training is different for everyone

Targeted training is planned training, the purpose of which is to achieve the individual’s own goals. The main focus consists of realistic training planning, goals and individuality. One and the same model does not fit everyone, everyone has their own strengths, weaknesses and goals, which require a targeted approach. In other words, training is always tailored to everyone’s own needs.

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Morning routines for an energetic day

Do you get enough sleep at night? Is your sleep good quality? Do you wake up in the morning energetic or tired? Sleep has a great effect on the state of alertness, and in addition, morning routines often affect how the day starts. Many people may get enough sleep during the night and still be tired.

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How long does it take to see training results?

Often when we start training, we have a goal in mind. The goals can be anything from improving general fitness conditions, running a marathon, losing weight, or increasing muscle mass. People often wonder how quickly the training results will be visible. How quickly will I reach my goal?

Continue reading “How long does it take to see training results?”

One or several simultaneous goals

Setting goals requires careful planning, it is easy to grab many different goals. That is why it is worth thinking about whether one or several simultaneous goals are more profitable, and what should be taken into account. Although the focus here is on physical goals, the same applies to other areas of life.

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Pros and cons: big and small marathons

There are many differences between big and small marathons, which may already affect the choice of race, and where you want to run. Both have good and bad sides, and you should consider them when choosing a race venue.

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How to avoid running burnout?

Let’s be honest, goal-oriented training and running can sometimes be really hard, also mentally. Months of training for a marathon, for example, is not always only a joy. There are bad days, the weather is bad for many days in a row, the darkness of winter tires the mind and the thought of running feels hard. It’s easy to burn out, but it can also be avoided.

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The most under-rated physical training tools

The tools of physical training are often seen only as training, and the ancillary tools that go along with it, such as recovery and nutrition. But behind all of these, there are common factors that can help in development. These tools are often underestimated or forgotten. Many runners may also feel that these things are too far away, or only intended for professionals.

Continue reading “The most under-rated physical training tools”

It’s not about motivation, it’s about habit.

It’s not about motivation, it’s about habit. How to build habits that keep you going when the motivation is low. Have you ever wondered why other people seem to be able to do anything? They always seem motivated. It’s not about motivation but about habits.

Continue reading “It’s not about motivation, it’s about habit.”

Body peace in sports

Every month and a year, body peace in sports raises its head and the subject is repeatedly on the surface. Athletes talk about how their appearance, weight and body are publicly judged, coaches monitor weight and body composition, social media is full of critical comments. At the same time, there is talk of body peace and performance pressures.

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Setting goals

The new year is approaching and many are always setting new goals for the coming year. However, setting goals may not always be easy. Different goals can easily be taken too much and motivation runs out very quickly because the implementation feels tough. So what should be considered when setting goals.

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The effect of everyday passivity on exercise performance

The effect of everyday passivity on exercise performance can be huge. The passivity of everyday life affects exercise performance and development. There are slight differences in the weekly and daily exercise recommendations for different countries, and it is not considered here. The passivity of everyday life includes everything longer outside of physical exertion and exercise.

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How to get back in training, if you miss several days of running

Sometimes we miss several training sessions in a row. The longer the break is, the more adjustment needs to be done. So, how to get back in training, if you miss several days of running. And why you missed those running sessions?

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Running every day or not?

Should you run every day or not? Some people like to run every day, while others prefer a rest day. Which one is more beneficial and are they something you should consider? There are many factors that should be considered.

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Failing the performance – Returning after the failing

DNF, failed performance, struggles during the performance are familiar to most of the athletes. Not only professionals but amateur too. It doesn’t matter how hard we worked, but sometimes things don’t go as planned. Returning can be difficult, so what you should do after failing to be able to make a better return?

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Does running ever get easier?

Does running get easier? Yes. But of course, there are always certain limits. If you are training regularly and systematically, you will become stronger and develop better fitness and physiology.

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Training, but stuck on the same fitness level?

Are you spending hours after hours on the road and gym, but you are still stuck on the fitness level? Maybe first your progress was fast and everything went well, but now nothing happens. This happens to many of us and there can many reasons behind this scene, which we going through in this post.

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Let’s talk about sports psychology with Janica Järvenpää

I have an amazing opportunity to get an interview with Janica Järvenpää, a licensed psychologist and sports psychology student. She provided a lot of information for everyone how our mind affects us and of course what we can do.

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How much your beliefs affect you?

Our beliefs, values and attitudes are formed over time, through the different influences (family, friends, society…). Sometimes our beliefs can help us and they are positive, but often they can also slow us down. These affect all aspect of our lives, but this post considers sport and training.

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Goodbye 2020, Welcome 2021

The year 2020 is almost over, finally! Who would have guessed what this year will bring? Not me! It’s difficult to even describe this year, every plan turned around as the whole world turned upside down. But still, I believe there are some good things also, as I want to believe that everything happens in reason.

Continue reading “Goodbye 2020, Welcome 2021”

I wish I’d known these before the first marathon…

We all have been there, the race which wasn’t going as it was planned. Some point every runner experience the bad race, but they are good for learning. There are many things which, can be overwhelming especially for new runners. Many of us might run our first race, without much knowledge and preparation. I did that too, so here are some things which I wish I had known before the first marathon, and points which many runners had said.

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Time-based vs distance-based training

There is a difference if the exercise is approached by the time versus the distance. It’s not only training factors that makes difference, but also psychological factors. Depending on the exercises time-based training can be either easier or harder than distance-based. Some runners favour more the other exercise style, but you should mix these both.

Continue reading “Time-based vs distance-based training”

The perfect recipe of running

We often speak certain factors and their importance for running performance. But as often we forget the amount of these factors. Some of the training factors are not as important as others, some provide only minimal benefits or not at all, and still, we use them more than we know.

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How your job affect your training?

How often you feel physically or mentally tired after work? Some people like to go running the end of the day, but can your occupation affect your training performance? Many factors affect our training performance, and people often forget their job until they feel drained or stress out.

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My coaching philosophy

You might have noticed that I love science and share a lot of tips and information here. For me, science is base to many things, but it’s not determine everything as we all are individual and that’s also my coaching philosophy.

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Running challenges when races being cancelled

Running world turned upside down when Covid-19 hit to the world and all the spring races being cancelled. Now many race organizer also cancels the autumn marathon. That means some runners might not be able to race this year at all and might be lost their motivation as there is anything that to expect. Try to remember, that you should always train for yourself and races are just extra.

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Running motivation – how to motivate yourself?

Sometimes we all struggle with lack of motivation. Especially now as the many marathons are cancelled or postponed because of Covid-19. Many countries have total lockdown and some runners don’t have the opportunity to exercise like normally.

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Mental training for runners

Long hours in the outside, sweating and discomfort. Runners know how to push their body to the limit, but do they know how to train their brain.
Mental training is not only for a professional athlete. Mental factors are seen as high self-esteem and confidence, but it’s much more.

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Periodization training cycle

How to build a training plan? What you should take account? What is periodization training cycle? This post will answer these questions and help to put your goals in the training plan.

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OTHER: Sport psychology books must-read list

Hello, and welcome the year 2020! Last year we have a series of books from different topics that are excellent for getting more knowledge about training, coaching and nutrition. Now, here’s the last part, sport psychology. This post is good for any runner, as we all sometimes struggle with lack of motivation, low self-esteem and nerves.

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OTHER: training books must-read list

Let’s continue the must-read book list, now it’s the turn of training books. This category is so wide. There are biographies, guide book, different sports, etc.

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OTHER: coaching books, must-read list

Let’s continue the list of the must-read books list. We have previously list sports science and nutrition book, and it’s time for coaching books.

Why coaching books?

Continue reading “OTHER: coaching books, must-read list”

OTHER: you are not lazy, you are unmotivated

Have you ever look at others and thought about how they have so much energy? How they seem to have everything in their life? And you just struggle to daily life, going to work, surviving basic task, waiting for the weekend. You might have tried to go to the gym or jog after work several times but always, go back to old habits. There will always be a new Monday, new start. How about if you start now and never stop. No more new Mondays and new short time motivation. What makes you as energetic than others?

Continue reading “OTHER: you are not lazy, you are unmotivated”

REVIEW: Neil Pasricha – You are awesome

Earlier this autumn I got to chance to read Neil Pasricha’s new book You are awesome -How to Navigate Change, Wrestle with Failure, and Live an Intentional Life.

Book will be published 5th of November.

Continue reading “REVIEW: Neil Pasricha – You are awesome”

OTHER: Feeling pressure?

Do you ever feel pressure? Do you compare yourself to others? Do buy things because someone else has those same?

It’s easy to compare yourself others, especially nowadays as you can see runners everywhere. Social media is one of the worst places to get low self-esteem. Scrolling Continue reading “OTHER: Feeling pressure?”

OTHER: breaking out of your comfort zone

You may have heard and read thousands of time that nothing special doesn’t happen in the comfort zone. Do you find yourself to struggling in the same place all the time and nothing goes forward, whatever you do? Continue reading “OTHER: breaking out of your comfort zone”

OTHER: Running motivation quotes

We all sometimes need extra motivation. Weather might be bad, you might feel tired after work, skipping your training sounds more fascinating than lacing shoes on and heading out. Here some quotes to inspire you and mass your training.

Don’t run with your legs, run with your heart. – Dean Karnazes Continue reading “OTHER: Running motivation quotes”

REVIEW: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success -book

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success – Carol S. Dweck

Ph.D. Carol S. Dweck is a psychologist at Stanford University, who has owned years of work studying human mindset and model of thinking and learning new things. In her book, she discusses how to succeed in different areas such as business, sports, arts, work, relationship and school. Continue reading “REVIEW: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success -book”

OTHER: Goal setting

Did you make new year resolution? Do you have a goal that you wish to achieve?

Have you written down your goal? The more important question, have you made a plan?

How to set a goal?

Whether you would like to lose weight, run half marathon, get better results from school, improve your overall health. Whatever your goal is, make sure it’s your goal! You are Continue reading “OTHER: Goal setting”

Winter training; tired or dark?

It’s that time again, the sun comes up late and goes down early. There are more dark hours than light, sometimes the sun hides behind clouds. Days feels shorter and sofa and warm blanket look way too comfortable. Training session waits, but you feel difficult to find energy for that. Here some tips to remember and beat this dark season of the year. Continue reading “Winter training; tired or dark?”

My favorite; running books

New part of My favorite series! This time it’s about the books, especially running books. As we know there are soooo many good running books, so I tried to list here some books which include goof information, knowledge, science and stories.
Leave a comment, what is your favorite book!

1. Lore of running – Tim Noakes
Quite fat book, but tons of science based information about injuries, training, etc. If you are running just for fun, you might not need all that information, but others I really Continue reading “My favorite; running books”

My favourite; runners

Let’s continue my favorite series. Now let’s list some Runners. I find it so difficult as there are so many inspirational and amazing Runners. I know almost everyone on the list is female Runners, even thought I follow and value guys and their work as much. I ended up choosing these Runners, as I follow them social media and they often update training, etc. which I find very Motivational. They show their normal life next to the athlete’s life. Most of them are professional runners, but not all.
Continue reading “My favourite; runners”

Does running ever get easier?

Does running ever get easier? I heard that question quit regularly. Most of them are my customer (in massage business), they go to the gym and warm up in the treadmill or casually go for the jogging. It’s also question that many beginners might think.
The answer is yes and no. It depends what are you doing.

If you are running regularly the same speed and the same length, yes it gets easier.
But if you are running various distance and various speed, no it’s not get easier. Of course you get better, but at the same time you challenge yourself all the time. The Continue reading “Does running ever get easier?”

States of running

Angularity – Beginning of the run, when body is cold and its start to warm up, listening who it’s feeling today, what is the rhythm of feet.

Internal awareness – Body is warmed up, rhythm is found, sense of running have found.

Relaxation – Feet moving easily forward, air going lungs and out without any trouble, heart racing faster than rest, but not disturbingly. Continue reading “States of running”

Locus of control and running

Locus of control is the concept of social psychology which Julian B. Rotten (1954) developed to search personality. There are internal and external locus of control.

Internal locus of control
People believe that great results are outcome of their own hard work and determination.

External locus of control
People believe that results are outcome of external sources, what other people do or the Continue reading “Locus of control and running”

Happy New Year 2018!!

New year is just around the corner, many of you might have just done last run for this year and other are about to go.

Some of you might have made a resolution to start running and others are middle of training plan, heading to spring’s marathons. Whatever your plans for next year are, I hope you achieve them!

Enjoy this evening and let’s welcome the new year and better version of ourselves. Enjoy to next year and smile to each other when we meet each others on the road. It doesn’t Continue reading “Happy New Year 2018!!”

New Year resolution – tips to achieve them

New year, New me! New Year resolution time is almost here, gyms are full of people in January, sports shop are selling products fast, fridges are filled up healthy food and plan list are filled up. Many of the people last whole month some quit after a week or two.

How to stick your new year resolution?

Start easy:
Make a little plans. For example if you want to lose weight and get fit, don’t go to the gym Continue reading “New Year resolution – tips to achieve them”

Why I am running

I haven’t running all my life, but I have always been quite sporty and competitive. When I was young I started to dance, which later changed to basketball and then taekwondo and again back to dance. My hobbies, especially basketball included running. Back then I wasn’t massive fan of running, but I didn’t hate it. It was always thought I’m not good runner, but again I didn’t ever practice running seriously.

I saw marathon on TV when I was younger, I think it’s Olympic Games or World Championships and back then marathon seems to be something unbelievable. I said to Continue reading “Why I am running”

Motivational Running Quotes

Winter has arrived or at least here in Finland, temperature start to be below zero celsius. Some countries spent Autumn and some lucky one heading towards warm summer. Whether you need some motivation during the cold and dark season or just are tired and need some inspiration here are some running quotes for you! Let the comment below and share your all time favourite quote.

The pride in finishing a marathon is much greater than all the pain endured during the marathon – Hal Higdon Continue reading “Motivational Running Quotes”

Running Community

Running is individual sport and some way we all enjoying that. Making the own progress, see what you can do independently. If you fail or you run marathon slower as you hoped, you can only blame yourself. Whereas in team sport there are always other players who are the major part also, not to mention the opposite team.

But, is it running as individual sport as it seems?
Depending where you live and own interest, many runners training with group, they have coaches and running buddies. For the many people it’s more encouraging to work with someone than alone. Image dark and cold early morning or late evening after work day when you are tired and want nothing but lay down, you have agreed to go for the Continue reading “Running Community”

New things are coming! What do you want to read?

New things are coming for you!
I have planned so many new things and updates which will take place during this year. My life has been hectic and next couple week I will be busy, but then things are about to change little by little.

You have might notice that there’s coming one post per week, that’s about the change, I try to post twice a week. Also there will new themes and subjects such as: Continue reading “New things are coming! What do you want to read?”

What limits you?

“No human is limited” – Eliud Kipchoge

Eliud Kipchoge has run by far the fastest marathon ever recorded and it’s about the start Berlin marathon just now when this post coming out. So within two hours we will know do he managed to break the new World record.
Everyone how following him running career knows he is incredible strong runner both physically and psychologically. If you have watched Breaking2 documentary even scientists were amazed his strong mentality. Continue reading “What limits you?”

What to do; lost the love of running

That has happened almost each one of us at the some point of our life. You might have been running in years, and once suddenly you are not interested in to lace your shoes and hit the path. Back of your head you are going through internal struggle, either to keep going or just stop and figure it out something else than running. You probably have tons of great memories and experience from running, you might have got new friends, so giving up all of these is not easy.

Step back and think, is there any reason why you feel like that. Are you bored with training, whether your competition has gone worse than you expected, are you injured Continue reading “What to do; lost the love of running”

Coach’s psychological role

Sports psychology and athlete-coach relationship are both massive subject, I can easily spent hours to speak about them and I don’t even everything.

Coach job is to observe, develop athlete and help athlete to develop their skills. It matter who is your coach, especially if you have certain goals. Your coach can be very talented, but if your thoughts and characters don’t meet up, you mind find difficult to work with your coach, also this might eventually affect your own motivation to train.

Coach need to be good listener and observer, he/she has to be able to read athlete. Continue reading “Coach’s psychological role”

How to make treadmill running more fun?

Some elite runners and triathletes place their treadmill in the corner where they have to stare plain wall during the whole running exercise. This is quite rough way to train, but it’s where good mental game, as you are alone with your mind. Harder the exercise harder the mind have to work against the quitting, this develop runner’s mental ability and make it stronger. If you are not fancy to do so rough exercise and struggling every time you have to run on the treadmill, here are some tips how to make it more fun or at least less bored and more effective.

Music & TV-show/documentaries Continue reading “How to make treadmill running more fun?”

What does it need to make elite runner

Elite runners make running look easy and effortless. There are many factors which play a role to becoming an elite athlete.

Lifestyle / living environment
Where you live and how you live, how you spent your days? Whether you are living the busy New York or calm Iten, Kenya you can become an amazing runner, but living in Iten will give you huge advantages. In western countries people wake up, eat processed food for the breakfast, such as sugarcoated cereals, use buses or cars to get school, sit still a few hours a day, come home, watch TV, go to movies, hang out with friends, maybe training couple times per week. While for example in Iten, people wake up early in the morning, eat healthy breakfast, walk or run to the school, help with house work, spend their days doing more physical work. This active lifestyle develop kids already in the early age. While western kids are surrounded by all the easy options they need to work harder later on to catch up the others. Continue reading “What does it need to make elite runner”

Running documentaries and books

Who love to watch documentaries and/or read books, even more when they are about running? If your answer is yes, stick around as I will tell couple my favorite documents and books. It interesting to see other runners world, how elite runner life and train, get some tips and most of all inspired.
There are tons of books and documentaries which I would recommend, but here are few. All the documentaries can be watch in YouTube.

Born To Run: The Kenyan Secret
Former World Champion Eamonn Coghlan travels to Iten, Kenya to see how world best runners train and life. It’s interesting document which give a sneak peak about Kenyan’s training. The most interesting thing is that they make it look easy, as everyone knows in reality it is far from easy, especially in Kenya where the competition is real. For example 340 Kenyan athlete qualified to London 2012 Olympics, so who get the place to represent Continue reading “Running documentaries and books”

Running motivation

Do you feel tired? Do you suffer lacks motivation? Lacing your running shoes seem to be an impossible task? Did you know that’s all okay? We all have motivation problems sometimes. You might have also heard that once you go to out and start running it’s easier. I collected some of the tips which might help increase motivation.

Näyttökuva 2017-04-30 kello 14.23.16

1. Pictures/quotes
If you have some motivational quotes place them to somewhere where you can see them. If you are training from certain marathon, print the picture of event and do to Continue reading “Running motivation”