The Role of Biomechanics in Running: How Proper Technique Enhances Performance and Reduces Injury Risk

Collaboration with Ochy – running biomechanics app

Biomechanics goes together with physiology, combining different areas. Running biomechanics have been studied a lot, but studies have not been able to demonstrate the superiority of one running technique over others. There are as many running styles as there are runners. There are as many differences among professionals as there are among regular runners. One technique is not more optimal or more prone to injury than others.

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How to get back in training, if you miss several days of running

Sometimes we miss several training sessions in a row. The longer the break is, the more adjustment needs to be done. So, how to get back in training, if you miss several days of running. And why you missed those running sessions?

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Starting a new hobby – Starting the right order

Maybe you made a new year resolution or you are otherwise new to running and training. You are excited about a new hobby or pick up an old hobby again and have a new goal. It’s easy to do many things “wrong”, and learn “wrong” habits and some point slow down or stop progress.

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Why have several pair of running shoes?

We all know that good running shoes are essential, and you should not use one pair year after year. But why have several different shoes, when you have found a good pair and want to use them? The shoes can affect the running speed, biomechanics and economy, and also injuries.

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Relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S)

Relative energy deficiency (RED-S) is a result of prolonged insufficient energy intake. It’s common in female sports, repeated weight loss and an eating disorder. But also men can experience RED-S.

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Symptoms of overtraining syndrome

Overtraining syndrome can happen to everyone, you don’t need to be an elite athlete. There are many signs and symptoms which might indicate overtraining or overreaching syndrome. These symptoms are easy to ignore as we all sometimes feel tired and fatigue. So, when it’s the right time to stop and consider things again?

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SCIENCE TALK: training and pain

No pain, no gain! Right? You can’t develop your physics without experiencing some pain? NO and NO!!! Pain should not be a part of the training, fatigue and discomfort should be and they are a totally different thing. Experiencing pain during or after training is the body’s way to tell something is not okay.

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OTHER: runners, nail technician nightmare

Blisters, black toenails, detached nails, basically nail technician nightmare and common for runners. Almost every runner have some experience of these and already find the best solutions to avoid them as good as possible and treat them. Beginners and those you have never get any blister from running, don’t worry your time will come, or otherwise, you are somehow lucky, or are you even run? Continue reading “OTHER: runners, nail technician nightmare”

How massage affects the body?

Relaxation and opening muscles knots, are maybe two the most common reason why people seek massage therapist help. But, if we eliminate relaxation and tight muscles, is there are any other reasons to for the massage. Often people wait until something is wrong and they suffer pain, should you wait that long? No!

We don’t always feel muscles knots, or tight muscles, especially if we have suffered them a long time, our body is getting familiar with them and doesn’t complain as it thought it’s the normal state to be. Our body still might send us signals to tell that Continue reading “How massage affects the body?”

Runner’s bad habits

Most of us has bad habits, that’s okay, but if we constantly repeat them, the development and performance start to suffer. As running is not just running, to become faster and better we have to consider every aspect of our life. This doesn’t mean you have to live like elite athlete, but there are many little things which you can do, these also often prevent injuries and improve life quality. Can you recognize yourself any of these bad habits? Continue reading “Runner’s bad habits”

How to cure shin splints

Shin splints or Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) is a common injury among runners. It is usually the result of overuse of tibia muscles, especially the tibial anterior. When the muscle undergoes heavy stress, it swells, but the fascias around the muscle it is not able to stretch fast enough to provide space for muscle to grow, and it starts to cause pain and inflammation. In shin splints, the pain is directed at the internal parts of the thigh, sometimes to the external parts. Pain appear usually at the beginning of the run, it may disappear during the run, but the more advanced shin splints cause pain throughout the running. There are several theories how shin splints develop, many of which are related to running, such as a sudden increase in amount of exercise, running on a hard surface, running technique, or certain muscle weakness. Continue reading “How to cure shin splints”

Running injuries: calf and shin pain

This time we will look common injuries and reasons which can cause pain and irritation to calf and shin area. As always if you feel any uncommon symptoms or have any injuries I recommend consult your doctor or other professional.

Tibial stress fracture
There are two bones in the lower leg, tibia and fibula, of these two tibia is the bigger one and its role is bear weight. Tibia can fracture when it’s under the continues stress, where muscles contract continuously for example during running. Also sudden change of the running terrain, overweight or fast increase of training load can cause stress fracture. It causes pain lower part of the leg and sometimes swelling too. It’s not often can see on the x-ray, that’s why there are often two x-rays, one at the begging and other later on (about 4 weeks later) where can see that bone is start to heal. Rest is the only way the heal the fracture, during that time is possible to do other types of exercise which are not weight bearing, for example water running. Continue reading “Running injuries: calf and shin pain”

Running injuries: ankle and foot pain

Pain in the ankle or foot is common symptom for runners. Here’s some of the most common injuries, if you suffer any kind of pain I recommend rest and consult your doctor.

Ankle sprain
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Ankle sprain happen when ankle ligaments which are connected to the ankle bone torn or stretch suddenly. For example land the foot in the wrong position. This often causes swelling and bruises and need R.I.C.E treatment (rest, ice, compression and elevation), it’s recommended see doctor that there is not any other damage and as they often put Continue reading “Running injuries: ankle and foot pain”

Running injuries: knee pain

Knees are one of the most often injured part of the runner. There are tons of the reasons which can lead knee pain/injuries, such as shoes, running terrain, posture, technique, etc. I’m always recommending take any abnormal feelings and pain seriously, denying it or lack of treatment (prevention) may cause long symptom and/or recovery period. Here are some most common “muscles” related pain producers.

Patellofemoral pain syndore- also known as runner’s knee

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Runner’s knee is a repetitive stress injury, where the pain located in the under the kneecap (patella) or front of the knee. It occurs when pressure between patella and femur increases, as the knee flexes and extents patella glides trochlear groove, end of the femur. Normally the bursitis which are the lateral side of the knee reduce the friction, but if Continue reading “Running injuries: knee pain”

Running Injuries: Hip and thigh pain

When runners experience more pain than just sore muscles, there can be some kinds of injuries in the background. Running injuries series we will go through some of the most common injuries different parts of body, what factors are behind them and how to cure them. First we will look hip and thigh areas injuries. Remember always consult your doctor if you doubt you might suffer any of these.

Groin pull

Copyright: Nucleus Medical Media, Inc.

A groin pull, groin strain or groin tears are common for runners, it appears when too much stress and force put to the thigh and groin they can torn or over-stretched. Also quick change of direction in the fast speed can cause groin pull. It can be graded 1,2 or 3 depending on extent of strain. Symptoms are swelling, pain and tenderness inside the thigh especially the adductors, struggle to bring legs together or raise the knee up. Doctor can make physical examination such as x-rays or MRIs. For a treatment used P.R.I.C.E protocol (protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation) during the first 72 hours of injury. There are five adductors muscles; pectineus, gracilis, adductor brevis, adductor longus and adductor magnus, their weakness or tightness, biomechanical factors like Continue reading “Running Injuries: Hip and thigh pain”