What is really needed for physical recovery?

Exercising has become a million-dollar business, dominated by technology, supplements and equipment. What is really needed for physical recovery? Recovery from exercise plays an equally important role as the performance itself because neglecting recovery is directly related to progress.

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Race Day: What you can control and what you can’t

Spring is approaching and for many, the race season is approaching at the same time. Many things affect the day of the race and how the race goes. Considering what you can control yourself and what you can’t, or what you can partially control, makes preparation easier. At the same time, the risk of unnecessary failures is reduced.

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Relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S)

Relative energy deficiency (RED-S) is a result of prolonged insufficient energy intake. It’s common in female sports, repeated weight loss and an eating disorder. But also men can experience RED-S.

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Interview: registered dietitian Holley Samuel

I have a great opportunity to get an interview with Holley Samuel RD, LDN, CPT. She provided a lot of tips and shared her free guide, so continue for reading. You can find her social media and website end of the interview.

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Chimpanzee products reviews

I got an opportunity to test Chimpanzee sports nutrition products. The company was totally new to me, and I don’t normally do a collaboration with sports nutrition products and supplements as the field is so wild and there are many things to consider. But Chimpanzee sounded a different kind of company and their products were interesting.

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The perfect recipe of running

We often speak certain factors and their importance for running performance. But as often we forget the amount of these factors. Some of the training factors are not as important as others, some provide only minimal benefits or not at all, and still, we use them more than we know.

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Fasted vs non-fasted running

Breakfast before morning run or just after? Some of the runners like to eat something before hitting the road, at the same time others struggle with breakfast. Early morning run, often means even earlier breakfast. It is suitable to eat breakfast at least an hour before the run, which might mean very early wake-up.

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SCIENCE TALK: why nutrition matter?

How important proper nutrition is for you? There are roughly three types of people; eat what they like and don’t really care about nutrition, eat rich nutrient food and cares about nutrition and people between these groups.

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OTHER: nutrition books must read

There was a post about sports science books a couple of weeks ago. Some of those books contained nutrition too, but these books are only a nutritions based. These books are all science-related and many of them are also used at the university level. However, these books don’t make you a professional. I always recommended consulting a registered dietitian (not nutritionist) if you have any problems with diet.

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