Morning routines for an energetic day

Do you get enough sleep at night? Is your sleep good quality? Do you wake up in the morning energetic or tired? Sleep has a great effect on the state of alertness, and in addition, morning routines often affect how the day starts. Many people may get enough sleep during the night and still be tired.

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What is really needed for physical recovery?

Exercising has become a million-dollar business, dominated by technology, supplements and equipment. What is really needed for physical recovery? Recovery from exercise plays an equally important role as the performance itself because neglecting recovery is directly related to progress.

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One or several simultaneous goals

Setting goals requires careful planning, it is easy to grab many different goals. That is why it is worth thinking about whether one or several simultaneous goals are more profitable, and what should be taken into account. Although the focus here is on physical goals, the same applies to other areas of life.

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Pros and cons: big and small marathons

There are many differences between big and small marathons, which may already affect the choice of race, and where you want to run. Both have good and bad sides, and you should consider them when choosing a race venue.

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The effect of everyday passivity on exercise performance

The effect of everyday passivity on exercise performance can be huge. The passivity of everyday life affects exercise performance and development. There are slight differences in the weekly and daily exercise recommendations for different countries, and it is not considered here. The passivity of everyday life includes everything longer outside of physical exertion and exercise.

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Runners foot and ankle mobility for better performance

Runners tend to look after their legs and train them to stronger, but foot and ankle mobility is often overlooked and forgot. Poor foot and ankle mobility can cause injuries that can appear upper legs. It also affects the running technique and speed. Foot and ankle absorb the shock when we run, the force is transmitted all the up in the back. Poor shock absorption make ankles stiff and cause calf and shin stiffness and other problems.

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Starting a new hobby – Starting the right order

Maybe you made a new year resolution or you are otherwise new to running and training. You are excited about a new hobby or pick up an old hobby again and have a new goal. It’s easy to do many things “wrong”, and learn “wrong” habits and some point slow down or stop progress.

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I wish I’d known these before the first marathon…

We all have been there, the race which wasn’t going as it was planned. Some point every runner experience the bad race, but they are good for learning. There are many things which, can be overwhelming especially for new runners. Many of us might run our first race, without much knowledge and preparation. I did that too, so here are some things which I wish I had known before the first marathon, and points which many runners had said.

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Time-based vs distance-based training

There is a difference if the exercise is approached by the time versus the distance. It’s not only training factors that makes difference, but also psychological factors. Depending on the exercises time-based training can be either easier or harder than distance-based. Some runners favour more the other exercise style, but you should mix these both.

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OTHER: runners, nail technician nightmare

Blisters, black toenails, detached nails, basically nail technician nightmare and common for runners. Almost every runner have some experience of these and already find the best solutions to avoid them as good as possible and treat them. Beginners and those you have never get any blister from running, don’t worry your time will come, or otherwise, you are somehow lucky, or are you even run? Continue reading “OTHER: runners, nail technician nightmare”

OTHER: Goal setting

Did you make new year resolution? Do you have a goal that you wish to achieve?

Have you written down your goal? The more important question, have you made a plan?

How to set a goal?

Whether you would like to lose weight, run half marathon, get better results from school, improve your overall health. Whatever your goal is, make sure it’s your goal! You are Continue reading “OTHER: Goal setting”

Winter training; tired or dark?

It’s that time again, the sun comes up late and goes down early. There are more dark hours than light, sometimes the sun hides behind clouds. Days feels shorter and sofa and warm blanket look way too comfortable. Training session waits, but you feel difficult to find energy for that. Here some tips to remember and beat this dark season of the year. Continue reading “Winter training; tired or dark?”

How to breathe while running?

Do you find yourself out of the breath while running, even in easy pace? Well, you might be out of shape or running too fast for your fitness level. BUT, if you have been running for a while and still battle with catching breath even easy, slow pace, you might use wrong breathing technique.

Continue reading “How to breathe while running?”

Running on different terrains

Why should you vary your running terrains? First it gives diversity to your running, but it also prevents injuries, improve stamina and performance. It can help build those little leg muscles which play important role for technique and balance.

Track is good terrain for interval training. Even if you are long distance runner, now speaking of marathon distance, you should do interval training. On the track you can easily set the distance, without looking continually to your watch. Track is also flat, Continue reading “Running on different terrains”

Tips for first time marathon runners

Okay, there might be many of you who has run marathon or a few of them, so this post might not bring anything new information for you, but those whose are about to take a part for their first marathon, you might find something good tips. I’m not write anything training, mental or nutrition tips here as I have spoken them earlier, these are more general little tips.

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Running a marathon in hot day

The last post wrote about running in the bad weather, now let’s look the other side of the coin, running in the heat.

During the heat season we can always choose when to go for the run, the best time of the day is before the sunrise. But we can’t change the start time of the marathon, so here are some tips how to survive. Continue reading “Running a marathon in hot day”

My favourite; sports scientists

I thought to start the new series; my favourite. I will choose the running and sports related topic and list some of my favourite things, people, etc. I don’t know how often I will post these, maybe once in the month or more. If you have any a suggestion, I would like to hear them.

Let’s started with sports scientists, these include nutritionist, biomechanics, physical scientist, etc. As you know, there are tons of these people, but I have collected here some who I follow in social media and who are active in there and people whose book or other Continue reading “My favourite; sports scientists”

Runner’s bad habits

Most of us has bad habits, that’s okay, but if we constantly repeat them, the development and performance start to suffer. As running is not just running, to become faster and better we have to consider every aspect of our life. This doesn’t mean you have to live like elite athlete, but there are many little things which you can do, these also often prevent injuries and improve life quality. Can you recognize yourself any of these bad habits? Continue reading “Runner’s bad habits”

New Year resolution – tips to achieve them

New year, New me! New Year resolution time is almost here, gyms are full of people in January, sports shop are selling products fast, fridges are filled up healthy food and plan list are filled up. Many of the people last whole month some quit after a week or two.

How to stick your new year resolution?

Start easy:
Make a little plans. For example if you want to lose weight and get fit, don’t go to the gym Continue reading “New Year resolution – tips to achieve them”

Training and Christmas time

Training plan, running, food, Christmas Eve, family visit, hurry… PANIC!

STOP! Are you panicking how to survive for Christmas and training?
You may have training plan which you want to follow, but at the same there are a lot of happening during the Christmas, family visit, a lot of (unhealthy) food, all the preparations before the Christmas. Here are some tips how to survive over Christmas! Continue reading “Training and Christmas time”

When to run on treadmill?

Last summer I wrote about how to make treadmill running more fun, which you can find here. There are some tips on how to make treadmill running less boring especially for those how to find it boring.

But when you should use a treadmill? There are many cases when running on the treadmill will be more effective than running in outside.

1. Weather. You have to make yourself comfortable in running every weather, especially Continue reading “When to run on treadmill?”