The effects of social media on training

Exercises, videos, pictures of healthy food, well-being, cheerfulness, and successful workouts. Social media is filled with images and videos related to well-being and exercise. Some people may find motivation, while others might find themselves wrapped in a blanket in the corner of the sofa after the deluge of images. Social media can have both positive and negative effects on training.

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OTHER: training books must-read list

Let’s continue the must-read book list, now it’s the turn of training books. This category is so wide. There are biographies, guide book, different sports, etc.

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OTHER: coaching books, must-read list

Let’s continue the list of the must-read books list. We have previously list sports science and nutrition book, and it’s time for coaching books.

Why coaching books?

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REVIEW: Neil Pasricha – You are awesome

Earlier this autumn I got to chance to read Neil Pasricha’s new book You are awesome -How to Navigate Change, Wrestle with Failure, and Live an Intentional Life.

Book will be published 5th of November.

Continue reading “REVIEW: Neil Pasricha – You are awesome”

OTHER: nutrition books must read

There was a post about sports science books a couple of weeks ago. Some of those books contained nutrition too, but these books are only a nutritions based. These books are all science-related and many of them are also used at the university level. However, these books don’t make you a professional. I always recommended consulting a registered dietitian (not nutritionist) if you have any problems with diet.

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REVIEW: Born to run book

Born to Run – Christopher McDougall

I get every runner are already read this book. I read it a few years an ago, but it’s still one of my favorite running book.

If you haven’t read it yet, here’s why you should. Born to run is the best seller book, which has found runners and non-runners all over the world. Continue reading “REVIEW: Born to run book”

REVIEW: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success -book

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success – Carol S. Dweck

Ph.D. Carol S. Dweck is a psychologist at Stanford University, who has owned years of work studying human mindset and model of thinking and learning new things. In her book, she discusses how to succeed in different areas such as business, sports, arts, work, relationship and school. Continue reading “REVIEW: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success -book”

My favorite; running books

New part of My favorite series! This time it’s about the books, especially running books. As we know there are soooo many good running books, so I tried to list here some books which include goof information, knowledge, science and stories.
Leave a comment, what is your favorite book!

1. Lore of running – Tim Noakes
Quite fat book, but tons of science based information about injuries, training, etc. If you are running just for fun, you might not need all that information, but others I really Continue reading “My favorite; running books”

My favourite; running coaches

Let’s continue to my favourite series today, as the topic of running coaches. I have picked some these coaches as I have followed their job and admire their knowledge and work that they have done. Some of them have written a book(s) and made running training methods which are still in use and well-known. They have different kinds of perspective to training and running, and even if you disagree some of their thoughts and method, I’m sure we can always learn some new things and even modify some of the training method. As the truth is that more you read and gather knowledge and test things you will learn to find ways that work for you. We are all different so, which works your best Continue reading “My favourite; running coaches”

Running documentaries and books

Who love to watch documentaries and/or read books, even more when they are about running? If your answer is yes, stick around as I will tell couple my favorite documents and books. It interesting to see other runners world, how elite runner life and train, get some tips and most of all inspired.
There are tons of books and documentaries which I would recommend, but here are few. All the documentaries can be watch in YouTube.

Born To Run: The Kenyan Secret
Former World Champion Eamonn Coghlan travels to Iten, Kenya to see how world best runners train and life. It’s interesting document which give a sneak peak about Kenyan’s training. The most interesting thing is that they make it look easy, as everyone knows in reality it is far from easy, especially in Kenya where the competition is real. For example 340 Kenyan athlete qualified to London 2012 Olympics, so who get the place to represent Continue reading “Running documentaries and books”