About me

Hello and warmest welcome!

Here you can learn more about who I am and what TuuSa Sports is.

TuuSa Sports is a coaching and training website that focuses on sports, especially running and strength training.

On these pages, you will find information, tips for training, book reviews, etc. The idea is to offer information, motivation and ideas to all runners and sports-minded people, whether you are a more experienced trainer or just interested in starting your journey to a healthy lifestyle.

about me

The word TuuSa comes from two words, or more specifically two names. Tuu is the beginning of my mother’s name and Sa is the beginning of our family name. When I designed my business I wanted a name that means something, and my mother has always been the biggest supporter of my life, which motivates me to continue to pursue my passion. Sports and running. This way hopefully I can help and motivate you too!

who am I?

My name is Hanna. I am a professional in sports and communication. An active lifestyle and sports have always been a part of my life, experience can be found in different sports from team sports to individual sports, until over 10 years ago, endurance running came into my life. To be honest, at first, I hated it, even though I had once expressed a desire to run a marathon. I wasn’t a good runner at all, but it fascinated me and I wanted to get better, and running quickly took over. A year later, I ran my first marathon and my interest in continuous versatile growth remained in life.

Sports took me to England, where I studied sports science at university. After this, I got a running coach certificate and trained as a masseuse. I love science and reading. I always want to improve my knowledge and share it with you too. In addition to sports, I have a degree in media culture and communication, with a focus on leadership and marketing as well. I do versatile content production for different channels.

My online coaching and programs are available around the world. Find more information here.

Welcome to the world of TuuSa Sports!


For all collaboration suggestions, please send me an email using the box down below or tuusasports@gmail.com 


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