Training intensity distribution – how to make it?

Training intensity distribution (TID) can seem confusing, as there is a couple of different styles. People often speak about the 80:20 division, where 80% of training will be performed easy level and 20% of training are speed training. It’s a good start, but at the same time, it does not give many details. We consider three different TID styles in this post.

Continue reading “Training intensity distribution – how to make it?”

Relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S)

Relative energy deficiency (RED-S) is a result of prolonged insufficient energy intake. It’s common in female sports, repeated weight loss and an eating disorder. But also men can experience RED-S.

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OTHER: Goal setting

Did you make new year resolution? Do you have a goal that you wish to achieve?

Have you written down your goal? The more important question, have you made a plan?

How to set a goal?

Whether you would like to lose weight, run half marathon, get better results from school, improve your overall health. Whatever your goal is, make sure it’s your goal! You are Continue reading “OTHER: Goal setting”

Why to drink water?

As we all know, water is good for us, we should drink it. Magazines and internet are tons of recommendation how much to drink water during the day. The right amount of water depends on gender, size, activity, work, how much do you sweat during the day, etc. Scale is around 2,5-3,5 liters, but as I said there are plenty of factor, so it can be even more.

We also know that we should drink water to maintain good level hydration, why? And what are the other benefits? Continue reading “Why to drink water?”

More about me…

There is a brief introduction about me in About section, but I thought to tell a little more.

I’m 27 years old young woman from Finland. I have always loved sports, all kinds sports, that’s why I have tried several different sports like basketball (haha I’m short), taekwondo, dance (all kinds of dances; streets, ballet, jazz, etc.). Almost all these sports included some amount of running exercises, but I never consider myself as a runner. I had that long time dream to someday run a marathon, but I never did anything about it, Continue reading “More about me…”

Foam rolling tips

Foam roller that painful, but so wonderful tool, it can help to ease knots and relax sore muscles, but do you take all benefits from it or do you use it right?

1. Don’t only roll. If you have knots, place roll under these and put pressure on, once these knots starts to loosening, you can start rolling.

2. Roll one muscle (muscles group) 30-90 sec. There are no point to roll several minutes on one area as it can increase injuries. If you feel to need more rolling take a break and Continue reading “Foam rolling tips”

Should runners do strength training?

Just run, that’s enough? Or is it?
Becoming the better and faster runner, doesn’t only mean tons of running alone. Runners should also do the strength training to improve their running form, endurance, speed and other physiological factors. M. Chatara et al. (2005) show that strength training improve VO2max, whereas Støren et al. (2008) proved that strength training improved time of exhaustion level in maximal aerobic speed. There are tons of studies which show similar results, and no wonder why most of the elite athlete do some strength training. Even though there are variable between training group, for example Nike Oregon project runners hit some heavy weight training once in the while when most of the Kenyan runners Continue reading “Should runners do strength training?”

Locus of control and running

Locus of control is the concept of social psychology which Julian B. Rotten (1954) developed to search personality. There are internal and external locus of control.

Internal locus of control
People believe that great results are outcome of their own hard work and determination.

External locus of control
People believe that results are outcome of external sources, what other people do or the Continue reading “Locus of control and running”