Setting goals

The new year is approaching and many are always setting new goals for the coming year. However, setting goals may not always be easy. Different goals can easily be taken too much and motivation runs out very quickly because the implementation feels tough. So what should be considered when setting goals.

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Running shoes: heel to toe drop

The importance of running shoes is increased over the past several years. Especially the materials and heel to toe drop place an important role in the industry. Without taking a bigger stance on it, will you benefit more from some shoe than others? Let’s consider what you need to know about heel drop, when you go shoe shopping.

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Periodization training cycle

How to build a training plan? What you should take account? What is periodization training cycle? This post will answer these questions and help to put your goals in the training plan.

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OTHER: coaching books, must-read list

Let’s continue the list of the must-read books list. We have previously list sports science and nutrition book, and it’s time for coaching books.

Why coaching books?

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OTHER: you are not lazy, you are unmotivated

Have you ever look at others and thought about how they have so much energy? How they seem to have everything in their life? And you just struggle to daily life, going to work, surviving basic task, waiting for the weekend. You might have tried to go to the gym or jog after work several times but always, go back to old habits. There will always be a new Monday, new start. How about if you start now and never stop. No more new Mondays and new short time motivation. What makes you as energetic than others?

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Runner’s bad habits

Most of us has bad habits, that’s okay, but if we constantly repeat them, the development and performance start to suffer. As running is not just running, to become faster and better we have to consider every aspect of our life. This doesn’t mean you have to live like elite athlete, but there are many little things which you can do, these also often prevent injuries and improve life quality. Can you recognize yourself any of these bad habits? Continue reading “Runner’s bad habits”

Checklist for autumn running

Autumn is here, or depending where you are living. The season that some of the people love and others hate. Days get shorter and colder. People start speaking about Autumn fatigue, how tired and lazy they are, how they would rather spend evenings inside wrapping themselves in cozy blanket. But, if you are runner, you know that you have to hit the road, even though the warm bed is more comfortable. So, here is the brief checklist for the Autumn running: Continue reading “Checklist for autumn running”