Morning routines for an energetic day

Do you get enough sleep at night? Is your sleep good quality? Do you wake up in the morning energetic or tired? Sleep has a great effect on the state of alertness, and in addition, morning routines often affect how the day starts. Many people may get enough sleep during the night and still be tired.

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Active and passive recovery

Balanced training takes rest into account. There is active and passive recovery, each with its own good points. Passive rest is easier for most and active rest often turns too hard and exhausting.

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Running every day or not?

Should you run every day or not? Some people like to run every day, while others prefer a rest day. Which one is more beneficial and are they something you should consider? There are many factors that should be considered.

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What happens to you when running a marathon?

Marathons are fun, right? We all know that after marathon muscles are quite sore for a couple of days. But, there are happening a lot more than muscles fatigue and soreness. Following things might sound crazy and scary, especially if you are a beginner or just planning to run a marathon. Remember, everything is temporary and overall feelings during the marathon and after crossing the finish line beats everything else.

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Sweet dreams… How sleep affects us?

We all know that nothing is better than good night sleep and how important they are. Unfortunately, nowadays many suffer insomnia and other sleeping problems. Sleeping affects us in many ways. This post does not only consider how it affects us but also evening training and sleeping relationship.

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I wish I’d known these before the first marathon…

We all have been there, the race which wasn’t going as it was planned. Some point every runner experience the bad race, but they are good for learning. There are many things which, can be overwhelming especially for new runners. Many of us might run our first race, without much knowledge and preparation. I did that too, so here are some things which I wish I had known before the first marathon, and points which many runners had said.

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How your job affect your training?

How often you feel physically or mentally tired after work? Some people like to go running the end of the day, but can your occupation affect your training performance? Many factors affect our training performance, and people often forget their job until they feel drained or stress out.

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SCIENCE TALK: cool-down, do we need it?

I have written about warm-up earlier, you can find it here. It contained benefits and importance of warm-up, the excellent warm-up protocol to follow. Now, let’s talk about cool-down. How easy it’s just end your work-out doing nothing afterwards? You have just spend around an hour hard exercise you don’t have interest or energy for cool-down. Hands up, if you can recognise yourself?

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SCIENCE TALK: recovery- do you even do it?

Recovery that one of the most important aspects of training, but also one of the most least appreciate. We all know that recovery repair damages muscles fibres,  strengthen and rebuild muscles. It’s not only important for physically but also mentally.

Recovery can be divided into two, immediate and long-term recovery. Continue reading “SCIENCE TALK: recovery- do you even do it?”

Flu season – running

Autumn is here! And probably there too, depending where are you living. Autumn is beautiful season with all colorful leaf, but that also means flu season.

Have you already caught flu if yes, take time to recover. Don’t force yourself to exercise until you’re totally healthy. As boring it might feel to skip training, you just do the harm yourself and prolong flu by training half healthy. Continue reading “Flu season – running”

Runner’s bad habits

Most of us has bad habits, that’s okay, but if we constantly repeat them, the development and performance start to suffer. As running is not just running, to become faster and better we have to consider every aspect of our life. This doesn’t mean you have to live like elite athlete, but there are many little things which you can do, these also often prevent injuries and improve life quality. Can you recognize yourself any of these bad habits? Continue reading “Runner’s bad habits”

Overtraining and symptoms

Overtraining means that body is stressed more than it can handle, when it’s not recover well, which leads weaker performance. It can be divided two; acute and chronic. In acute state recovery takes about 1-4 weeks and in chronic states it takes from 3 months even years. Both elite athletes and non-elite athletes can suffer overtraining. Continue reading “Overtraining and symptoms”

Recovery day or rest day?

Recovery is a massive part of the training, but often forget or underrated. Lack of the rest and recovery could lead injuries, tiredness, bad workouts, weight loss, dehydration, etc. The amount of your weekly recovery depends on your training amount and fitness level.

You have might have seen runners who have two rest days during the week and runners who have none of them. Runners who have more rest during to week have often lower weekly mileage and are less fit. And then there are runners who don’t have any rest days during the week, they might have couple during the month. These runners weekly running amount are often high. So why they don’t spend rest day as they are training so Continue reading “Recovery day or rest day?”

Things every runner should do

Proper night sleeps are the one of most important things for the every athlete. If you are waking up early, make sure you go to the sleep early. Quality of the sleep is more important than the amount, of course you have to get good amount the sleep, but if your sleep quality is poor, the long sleep do not necessarily help.

Healthy food
The healthier food the better. Diverse and healthy food is the key for the good training. Junk food don’t give your body what it needs, it might only give your mind the short pleasure. Eating the same food all the time, might increase cravings to eat junk food, also Continue reading “Things every runner should do”