The effects of social media on training

Exercises, videos, pictures of healthy food, well-being, cheerfulness, and successful workouts. Social media is filled with images and videos related to well-being and exercise. Some people may find motivation, while others might find themselves wrapped in a blanket in the corner of the sofa after the deluge of images. Social media can have both positive and negative effects on training.

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Relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S)

Relative energy deficiency (RED-S) is a result of prolonged insufficient energy intake. It’s common in female sports, repeated weight loss and an eating disorder. But also men can experience RED-S.

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Do you need a cold shower after a workout?

We all have seen athletes using an ice bath or hear them speaking about a cold shower. After a workout in hot weather, you might want to take a cold shower to cool down. Or just refresh yourself. Is there really any benefit for it or can it be even harmful?

Continue reading “Do you need a cold shower after a workout?”

SCIENCE TALK: why nutrition matter?

How important proper nutrition is for you? There are roughly three types of people; eat what they like and don’t really care about nutrition, eat rich nutrient food and cares about nutrition and people between these groups.

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OTHER: training books must-read list

Let’s continue the must-read book list, now it’s the turn of training books. This category is so wide. There are biographies, guide book, different sports, etc.

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SCIENCE TALK: cool-down, do we need it?

I have written about warm-up earlier, you can find it here. It contained benefits and importance of warm-up, the excellent warm-up protocol to follow. Now, let’s talk about cool-down. How easy it’s just end your work-out doing nothing afterwards? You have just spend around an hour hard exercise you don’t have interest or energy for cool-down. Hands up, if you can recognise yourself?

Continue reading “SCIENCE TALK: cool-down, do we need it?”

SCIENCE TALK: stretching or not?

Most of us do some stretching regularly, or at least when they feel muscle soreness. Is it really necessary, or benefit at all?

Common reason why people stretch:

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OTHER: runners, nail technician nightmare

Blisters, black toenails, detached nails, basically nail technician nightmare and common for runners. Almost every runner have some experience of these and already find the best solutions to avoid them as good as possible and treat them. Beginners and those you have never get any blister from running, don’t worry your time will come, or otherwise, you are somehow lucky, or are you even run? Continue reading “OTHER: runners, nail technician nightmare”

SCIENCE TALK: recovery- do you even do it?

Recovery that one of the most important aspects of training, but also one of the most least appreciate. We all know that recovery repair damages muscles fibres,  strengthen and rebuild muscles. It’s not only important for physically but also mentally.

Recovery can be divided into two, immediate and long-term recovery. Continue reading “SCIENCE TALK: recovery- do you even do it?”

How massage affects the body?

Relaxation and opening muscles knots, are maybe two the most common reason why people seek massage therapist help. But, if we eliminate relaxation and tight muscles, is there are any other reasons to for the massage. Often people wait until something is wrong and they suffer pain, should you wait that long? No!

We don’t always feel muscles knots, or tight muscles, especially if we have suffered them a long time, our body is getting familiar with them and doesn’t complain as it thought it’s the normal state to be. Our body still might send us signals to tell that Continue reading “How massage affects the body?”

Runner’s bad habits

Most of us has bad habits, that’s okay, but if we constantly repeat them, the development and performance start to suffer. As running is not just running, to become faster and better we have to consider every aspect of our life. This doesn’t mean you have to live like elite athlete, but there are many little things which you can do, these also often prevent injuries and improve life quality. Can you recognize yourself any of these bad habits? Continue reading “Runner’s bad habits”

Different types of stretching and when to use them

Static stretching
Static stretching can be divided to active and passive. In active stretching the position is kept over 30 second, there are no movement only your own pressure. Passive stretching is the same as active, but the pressure is created with some tools or partner, when your own body remain relax.
Static stretching might affect negatively to explosive performance if they performed before the performance. Static stretching increase range of motion so it would be good to do them after performance or day before. Continue reading “Different types of stretching and when to use them”

Foam rolling tips

Foam roller that painful, but so wonderful tool, it can help to ease knots and relax sore muscles, but do you take all benefits from it or do you use it right?

1. Don’t only roll. If you have knots, place roll under these and put pressure on, once these knots starts to loosening, you can start rolling.

2. Roll one muscle (muscles group) 30-90 sec. There are no point to roll several minutes on one area as it can increase injuries. If you feel to need more rolling take a break and Continue reading “Foam rolling tips”