Muscle cramps during or shortly after training

Muscle cramps during training or at other times are certainly familiar to almost every one of us. During a cramp, the skeletal muscle contracts sharply. The causes behind muscle cramps are not yet completely clear scientifically, but there may be several possible causes. Let’s go through these causes and what you can possibly do to prevent cramps.

Muscle cramps during exercise

Cramps during or shortly after exercise are often short, but they can be felt in the muscle for several hours after the cramp itself. There are no clear reasons for muscle cramps. One of the most common and well-known arguments is dehydration due to sweating or an imbalance of salt or other electrolytes. However, cramps can be caused by several factors, such as hot temperature, hard, and prolonged exercise. The neurological cause may be one explanation resulting in the sustained abnormal discharge of motor drive to the afflicted muscle. Higher age and body weight also increases the risk, as do some diseases.

How to prevent muscle cramps

Muscle cramps during exercise often require only waiting. The straightening of a cramping limb and the transfer of weight to the limb if possible can also make it easier. Because the causes behind the cramps are not completely clear, prevention is also difficult. However, it is good to maintain adequate hydration and electrolyte balance. Also, avoid strenuous exercise with tired and tight muscles. Mobility training and massage can also relax the muscles, but these cannot be considered completely definite contraception either.

The good thing is that muscle cramps rarely cause any major or long-term destruction. However, they can ruin the performance, so nothing new should be tried, during the preparation time for competitions. Hydration and a varied diet are good to consider, and their role is emphasized when it comes to extreme conditions or performance.