The effect of everyday passivity on exercise performance can be huge. The passivity of everyday life affects exercise performance and development. There are slight differences in the weekly and daily exercise recommendations for different countries, and it is not considered here. The passivity of everyday life includes everything longer outside of physical exertion and exercise.

What is it about?

In general, a person’s day consists of work or study, sleep, various transitions, and everyday task. Sleep is an important factor in everyday life, during which time a person recovers from the day and recharges energy to the next day. In addition to sleep, work or study or a combination of these takes much of the day. Many careers are physically static, stationary. Imagine that you sit in front of a screen for 8 hours and go doing a workout after work. The difference in activity level is really big and can come as a shock to the body.

Similarly, if your free time is spent in front of the TV on the couch or all transfers to work, shop and hobbies are made by car or using public transport. Of course, if the distances are long this is quite understandable. But otherwise, it’s easy to settle for perhaps the easiest solution, just as the couch can feel really comfortable after a day of work. It’s perfectly normal and okay to take it easy throughout the day, as long as you can cycle it. For example, have you ever wondered how much you sit in a day or otherwise do static work?

What can you do?

Your body does not know what the purpose of your exercise is, it only feels what you are demanding of it at any given moment. If you are in place for long periods of time or do very light and one-sided work, your body will adapt to this. After staying still, it is difficult to start doing strenuous sports performance and suddenly demand more from your body, which can lead to the fact that you may not get the most out of what you want. In the long run, this in turn will affect development.

The effect of everyday passivity on exercise performance can make a big difference. So, if possible, take active breaks throughout the day. Move your body during work. The famous exercise break is not in vain. Choose stairs instead of an elevator. Walk different transitions if possible. Do mobility exercises while watching TV. If possible, use an electric desk and do work while standing. Small things can make a big impact in the end and they start to accumulate.

Movement is medicine and even the slightest movement breaks stationary doing and challenges the body. Also, a proper warm-up before every training session is essential for the body. If you want to learn more about warm-up, check here.

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