My favorite; running books

New part of My favorite series! This time it’s about the books, especially running books. As we know there are soooo many good running books, so I tried to list here some books which include goof information, knowledge, science and stories.
Leave a comment, what is your favorite book!

1. Lore of running – Tim Noakes
Quite fat book, but tons of science based information about injuries, training, etc. If you are running just for fun, you might not need all that information, but others I really recommended to checking this. Even though I read the book when I was already studied sports science and was familiar running methods, etc., so there wasn’t new information, anyone with good knowledge might not apply that much new information, maybe some other opinions.
Best suitable for new serious runners.
There’s also “new” book Lore of nutrition, if you want to continue reading after Lore of running.

2. Daniels’ Running formula – PhD Jack Daniels
Again a lot of science based information, but more compact package than Lore of running. Very easy to read and terms are explained very well. Most of the book are covered different training plans for different distance. There are plans for beginners and advanced runners.

3. Born to Run – Christopher McDougall
I read Born to Run when it’s published. Its incredible story which you have to read, even if you aren’t interested bare foot running. I guess the book put together what the running should be, experience, adventure and pure love.

4. Paula: My Story So Far – Paula Radcliffe
Paula Radcliffe’s story, taking deep look to her career, training, injuries. I admire every athlete who has achieved something great their career just as Paula did, still I’m not the biggest fan of her. This book gives you very good look her attitude and persistence, and I guess there’s something that every runner and people can learn from her; never give up!

5. How Bad Do You Want It?: Mastering the Psychology of Mind over Muscle – Matt Fitzgerald
This book is all about mental side of the sport and running. It includes several athlete’s stories. It’s good to read everyone who wants to beat their personal best and become to mentally stronger.

More books:
Running with the Kenyans – Adharanand Finn
Run Fast. Eat Slow. – Shalane Flanagan, Elyse Kopecky
The Champion’s Mind: How Great Athletes Think, Train, and Thrive – Jim Afremow
The Brave Athlete: Calm the F*ck Down and Rise to the Occasion – Simon Marshall PhD, Lesley Paterson